Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Peterson Bay Field Trip

Here are a few pictures from when we went across the Bay for Mia's 4th grade field trip. It was our first time in a yurt, which was actually pretty pleasant. We had a good group of girls and we made it fun. So fun in fact, that we wound up cleaning the latrines because of all of our 'late night parties' :) We had fun hiking to Chinapoot Bay and hiking around to the surrounding beaches, overturning rocks and gaining knowledge on sea life in Alaska. It was a busy time, but really, really fun. I wound up taking around 250 pictures, so here are a few for your viewing pleasure.

This is a crab with it's egg sac.

A "Sun" sea star

Believe it or not, these starfish to the left are "Mating" or "getting married" as the kids called it.

Below is our "yurt mates" Peggy Bordner was not pictured, but she was the Boogie-oogie queen!

One of the beaches we visited on a nighttime hike.

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