Sunday, April 12, 2009


Here are some more recent photos of our newest member of the family "Diesel". I was finally able to get more than just his back after bribing him with a pig ear (So gross, but he loves them!) We are all enjoying having him around, especially since he is almost done potty training. Since "accidents" are minimal, Cory seems to be enjoying the dog better too! He will begin puppy training classes in another week or so....thank goodness! Although he knows how to sit (thanks to Jim's excessive encouragement), he still hasn't mastered "NO" or "come" or "down" or any of the more useful terms. He has also gotten the idea that somehow we play like dogs and biting is somehow okay. I think the biggest issue we are having is by far that leg-humping. Gabe still thinks it just the dog 'hugging' him, but Mia has caught on and is totally grossed out. I'm hoping this is something that will be covered in puppy training and that his neutering will help with (which happens in another month). Well that's all for now...I'll keep you posted on the joys of puppy training!

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