Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today was Easter and we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day and No ash or snow! The kids got a visit from the Easter bunny and had fun searching for all of their eggs. Our church had an Easter egg hunt yesterday and the kids were bombarded with eggs and candy. Today the kids performed songs in front of the church and Mia recited a poem. It was very cute and of course, I forgot the camera. It was a really good service, as Easter always is, a day of remembrance to our Lord for his amazing sacrifice. We will be reflecting on this more today as we are planning to watch The Passion of Christ. Last night the kids read about the story of the Crucifixion and resurrection and marveled at the sacrifice.

Our Easter menu was Prime Rib, which was a first for me to make (thanks Deb), the usual sides and blueberry pie. Here are some pictures of Easter in for the Rupes. Hope you all had a wonderful day.

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