Thursday, August 6, 2009

Some catching up to do.....

Well, now that we are somewhat settled in to North Pole, I suppose I can finally catch everyone up. I have been especially bad about keeping in touch with anyone, especially by phone. Aside from the fact that every time I get near the phone, all of the kids need something now, I am struggling to keep everything going and make more decisions. Funny thing....we thought we were done with life in limbo! We have to figure out which school the kids are going to, since there are definitely more than 1 here! Since we would like to stay in North Pole, that narrows it down to just 2. Unfortunately, the one that we are zoned for now, while we are staying with Rick and Deb (Cory's parents) is not the same one that we will likely be zoned for when we finally find a place. ugh! I am trying to avoid moving the kids into 2 schools in 1 school year, but it may be inevitable. Other than that, I am able to continue working with Homer Medical Clinic, and have begun that this week. Cory started his job this week and is really liking it. He is learning the ropes of the computer system and how different things are done in a real city :) Everyone seems to be very nice and I think he is really going to like the department.
Otherwise, we are just enjoying the weather (it got up to 86 a couple days ago) but we are not so enjoying the smoke that just keeps on coming. We got to see it when we drove up here. It was kind of cool because it was dark outside and all of the sudden it was bright red. Apparently they have closed down the Parks Hwy and the airports, so it is not looking good. It did rain today though, so hopefully that will help.
The kids are eager for school to start (the 17th). Lauren will be flying back the end of this month, since her school starts September 6th.
Well, that's all for now. I will post pictures soon!

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