Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meteor Shower

So last night was supposed to be the best night to view the meteor shower, with 200 meteors seen in a 1 hour time period. Of course, being the old farts that we are, we went too early when it was too light, being that it was way past our bedtime. Even still, we could see the stars, 4 satellites, Jupiter and a few meteors. Some changed colors, some did not. They went by so quickly. With Rick's fountain in the garden, and the stars above us, it was a (cold) and magical night. The girls were diehard, determined to stay up to watch the entire show. It was about 40 degrees outside, so they got comfortable on the patio furniture with every blanket they could find. Lauren even fell asleep out there (which she still denies). I looked online and discovered that the best viewing time was between midnight and 5 am, when it would be darkest. I finally surrendered at 1 am, but still got to see 2. It was pretty cool.!

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