Saturday, July 4, 2009

Mia's surgery

Well we had a little bit of a scary experience while we were in Anchorage. Mia went to a pediatric urologist for some bladder issues she has been having for the past 2 years. The doctor needed to get a better look at what was happening, so Mia had to undergo a cystoscopy to get a good look at her bladder, kidneys and everything else in there. It was very scary for me, because she had to be under general anesthesia and scary for her because she had to have an IV. Nonetheless, we were both excited to get to the bottom of this problem. The doctor discovered that she has malformed ureters and that some of her urine is flowing back into the kidneys. She has to go back to Anchorage for a Cystogram, which is a special type of imaging with contrast dye that looks at how things flow, to give them a better idea of what is happening and how to best treat it. She will have to be sedated for this too, but not general anesthesia, which is a relief. After that we will have more information on how to treat it, which could possibly be surgery.
She was excellent during her surgery and the placement of her IV. I was pretty impressed because they didn't place it after she had been lightly sedated. I took some pictures, but will have to post them later. She was so tiny she had to wear a toddler gown, which was actually too big!

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