Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's been a while.....

Well it's certainly been a while since I've posted and so much has been going on! I'll have to summarize now and put most of the pictures on later, as I'm still waiting for most of them.

So we've been very busy gearing up for Barth's fundraiser (see for information on how to help and what we've done so far). His fundraisers were both huge successes and Barth is planning to go to Seattle for continued treatment. We all had a good time working on that, the whole family got involved. Mia even made $105 for Barth from a bake sale!

Cory has applied with Fairbanks Police Department and has finished with all of the testing, so we are waiting on pins and needles to find out about that. It will be nice to be around family again, even if it does get -50!

June was a very busy month for our household...first we had Gabe's birthday (he turned 6, see previous posting on that). Next was my birthday, where I turned 29 or as Cory likes to call it "almost 30"! Then came Father's Day, which was spent in Fairbanks by Cory and the kids, as I had to stay behind and work :( They had a good time and Cory loves the new BBQ! Last was Lauren's birthday. She turned 11 (I can't believe it) and we celebrated her actual birthday at a wedding...Shahli (my aunt, who is actually younger than me) got married on the 27th, so we were at the wedding. Lauren and Mia stayed the night with my aunt and uncle, who the next morning took her to breakfast in Talkeetna. Did I mention they flew her there? They live in Eagle River and my uncle has a plane and a pilots license, so off they went. On the way back Lauren even got to fly the plane! I'll have to post pictures of that when I get them. Here are some from the wedding:
Bride and bridesmaid. Isn't she beautiful?!

Lauren striking her 'Model' pose:)

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