Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My baby lost his first tooth

So here's a little history of Gabe before I go into the story. Gabe doesn't like his own blood....in fact he pretty much panicks at the sight of it. When Gabe panicks, he throws-up. Now fast forward to Gabe losing his first tooth.....you see where I'm going with this???
So he appears, crying, in my bedroom with the smallest amount of blood I have ever seen from a almost-out-tooth and he is already beginning the cough. The cough is the first indication of the impending vomit. Luckily, I was able to calm him down enough to let me be the tooth-puller. After that, he was a proud and happy little guy. He was even more thrilled this morning when he found $1 wrapped in dental floss under his pillow where his tooth used to be!

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