Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tooth #2

I realized I forgot to blog this and felt it was absolutely necessary. I also don't have any pictures, but I will post his toothless grin soon!
So, soon after he lost the other tooth, we realized the one next to it was also very loose and ready any day. While at worship practice at our church on Thursday night, Gabe decided he was ready for it to come out. Mostly because the church recently acquired the worlds most gigantic gumball machine and Pastor Greg offered Gabe some free gumballs if he lost his tooth. Gabe was all for it and Pastor and I begged for the opportunity to be the 'puller'...(of course I won that;)
Now, lets all take a minute to reflect on the quirks of Gabe in regards to pain, blood and panic-leading-to-vomit. Now that we all have the mental picture in mind.....I knew that I had to get it on the first try, or chaos would ensue. Unfortunately for me, Gabe's mouth was working against me. Both of the bottom teeth had grown in alread, so there wasn't much room for a grip. Taking deep breaths, praying under my breath and holding tightly to the paper towel, I no avail. The tooth was still in there. I had failed. Soon after this the hysterics began. Not only did it hurt, but there was now blood and total panic on Gabe's part. The tooth was halfway hanging out, so there was no going back; however, no amount of gumballs could calm Gabe down enough to allow anyone hear the tooth. Tears, blood and near-vomit came on. I begged and pleaded in my most soothing voice and began promising him more gumballs than he could possibly eat. I offered to let Pastor have a shot, naming him a Pro-tooth-puller. Gabe shot me an 'I'm-not-falling-for-that glance and continued with his tears/bleeding and almost vomit. I finally got him calmed down enough to allow one more chance at 'the pull'. I wiped the sweat from my brown, said a quick prayer and got a tight grip. He gave it a good slow yank (since Gabe had began pulling away, which was very unhelpful). He yelled and cried and bled, but I got that sucker out. It took a while for him to realize it was done and it took even longer for him to calm down after the blood came. Once we cleaned him up, he cleaned us all out of quarters and bought himself tons of gumballs, which he chewed, swallowed and followed with the next. No doubt between this and the bribing with gum from his potty training, he has a wad of gum the size of venus in the pit of his stomach. :)

Gabe turned 6!!!

My baby has just turned 6 years old! Today was his 'special forces' army-themed birthday party. It was a huge success! He had lots of friends, lots of sun and lots of cake :)

Gabe is taking the first whack at the tank pinata.

Gabe with his buddies Zach and Ridge. They are having much more fun than it appears ;)

Scooping the cotton balls blindfolded. They found out it was much harder than it looked!

Dropping clothespins into the jar.

Blowing out his candles.....all 6 of them!

The table.

Gabey with his mama!

Opening gifts. Isn't he cute ;)

Running with the eggs... Remarkably none of the eggs broke!