Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Ash Has Fallen.....

Redoubt erupted multiple times and the ash has finally fallen in are some pictures of our fun in the ash!

The "view" from our back yard, facing Redoubt. 1 hr before the fall.

The ash clouds are moving much for our "nice"weather.
The ash and the snow......

The kids at the bus stop

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Volcano Erupts in Alaska

Mt. Redoubt erupted last night and this morning, for a total of 5 times. Apparently it blew up to 9 miles in the air. The ash is falling North of here, which is nice for us Homerites....for now anyway. We're just hoping that it doesn't decide to continue this nonsense later in the week when Cory will be flying home from Sitka (he's instructing there) and when me and the kids and Diesel drive up to Anchorage to get him. Keep your fingers crossed for us. Until then, here are some pics:


Here are some pictures, finally of my family in recent days.......

My little family of vidiots. Nothing like the Wii baby.!!!!

Here is our little gymnast on the beam and the uneven bars:

The top view of our new dog "Diesel". He refuses to stay still for a picture, so this is all you get for now :)

So here is the update: Mia has started up gymnastics again, working in the Beginners II class and in the intermediates. She is working on her back walkover, the vault and starting of flips and handsprings. She seems to be very talented and is loving every minute of it...Shawn Johnsom here we come!
Gabe is doing Popeye wrestling and is liking it alot, although was very disappointed to find out on the first day that there was no jumping from the ring and full contact fighting (thank dad and his UFC addiction for that one). I will post pictures of that soon. I wound up printing a bunch and of course being the techno-retard that I am, accidentally deleted them all. I'll take new ones this week so you can see the our little man pinning down his opponents in his "half nelsons" and whatever the other positions are called. I personally think he is a little too sweet for this sport, which dad, of course, denied. However, this point was confirmed when, instead of waiting for his opponent to "take him down' in practice, he just went ahead and fell ahead of time, so as not to be hurt actually being "taken down". This was also revealed when he had to take someone down and did it in the most gentle slow-motion fashion. Disappointment loomed for dad, as he realized that his dreams of UFC..err I mean Gabes dreams of UFC, were squashed at that moment !! :) Luckily dad has been practicing with Gabe lots and he is really getting everything down. More on that later...
We did get a family dog, Diesel. He is totally cute and actually was picked out by Cory himself, which was a shock to all. After bringing home, the rules came out: No dog on the furniture, no dog upstairs, no dog on our bed or even in our room for that matter. Day 1, I find Cory laying on the couch with the dog. Day 2, Cory comes to bed with the dog in tow. I guess dads get to make and break the rules! The honeymoon phase was over the first time Diesel peed on the floor and was further ruined the first time he pooped on the floor (all of which yours truly got to clean). Cory still marvels at how 3 days isn't enough for a 8 week old dog to potty train, apparently he doesn't remember how long humans take...if only he were more involved in that process as well :) Diesel is doing much better with that and we will begin his puppy Kindergarten in about 2 weeks.
Well, I guess that's about all for now. I'll keep you posted on the happenings as they come!