Monday, February 23, 2009

2009 in the Rupe household

Looking back on my blog, I realize how incredibly pathetic it is. I haven't posted since last June!! As soon as I figure out how to resize my pictures, I will post some on here. Until then, here are some updates:
First, moved since the last time I wrote. I can't believe I'm just now putting this on here, since that happened in August, but whatever. It's a wonderful, BIG house with a BIG yard! Finally, room for us all.
Next on the list, we all had a great Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Years and Valentines Day. That keeps us up to date on all of that stuff.
Last, we got a new puppy! He's so incredibly cute! Cory found him at the pound and he is now part of the family. His name is Diesel and he came with a whole set of rules....which Cory has already broken. Rules such as: No pets on the furtniture, upstairs or in our room. First night Cory was laying with him on the couch, second night Cory brought the dog to bed....our bed! So much for rules! I'll post some pictures of him as soon as I figure out how. Until then, I promise to try to keep posted on our lives more often then every 7 months!