Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good Bye Garland

As many of you already now, Cory and I just came back from California where we were blessed with the privelge of spending the final days of Garlands life with him and the family. For those of you who don't know, Garland is Cory's grandfather and one of his most favorite people in the world. He was an amazing man with a highly decorated life, and a romance that could match "the Notebook". He will be dearly missed by all, as he succomed to brain Cancer January 23, 2008.

Everyone else is doing it, so I can too!

Welcome to the new blog! I thought it might be a good way to keep everyone up to date with the all exciting happenings in the rupe world :) As soon as I can figure out how (or once I've contacted Carrie to tell me how) I will put up some pictures. Check back periodically, since our life is too good to miss!