Monday, October 5, 2009


So Dr. Sutley treated all of us girls in the office to a fancy-shmancy dinner and fashion show here called 'Sham'. It is actually a benefit woman's organization, but was really a prom for grown-ups. We got dressed up, did our hair and took a hummer-limo around town. It was so much fun! Here are some pictures.

So super busy...*

It has been forever since I've blogged, so I figured I would give a quick update.....

Gabe: Gabe started 1st grade and is already off to a great start! He hasn't needed any help this year with reading and actually did above average on his first reading and spelling test! I guess that extra help last year really paid off!! He has made new friends in school and really we didn't need to be so worried. He also made new friends in the neighborhood, so he is a pretty happy little man. He lost both of his front teeth, so he looks just like the jack-o-lanterns in the front :)

Mia: Mia has been doing great in 5th grade so far. She is adjusting to having lots more homework that is a little more challenging. We are looking into a math tuter to help with the stuff that mom can't figure out! That show 'Are you Smarter than a 5th grader' really takes on new meaning for me ;) She also started playing the oboe in band this year and is loving that! She seems to have a real talent for music. She is still asking for piano lessons, but having 'mom' do that isn't such a good idea! We are looking into the possibility of gymnastics here, since they have a real program.

Cory: Cory is loving the new job...and growing weary of the FTO. For those of you who are non-police families, this is field training. It is a really long program here, so he is looking forward to being off that and being on his own. It seems like a really good department and is way more exciting for him ie; dangerous! He is loving being around his brothers again, which is pretty comical to watch and makes me more aware of the saint that Debbie is for having put up with them growing up!

Me: As for me, I started a new job. I work for an oral and facial surgeon doing surgical and treatment plans. It is a long day (10 hours, 5 days a week) but it is also very nice to be back in a social atmosphere. All of the people I work with are really fun and very great to work with. The doctor is a great Christian man, who starts every morning meeting off with a prayer. He spoils us girls in the office (there are 18 employees, of these 1 is a man, not including Dr. Sutley). I am still working for the medical clinic in Homer doing transcription, so if you wonder why I am so anti-social, it is because I just work and spend time with the family. I have begun scheduling my breathing and peeing time too! Just kidding ! :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Momentus occasion

My little man is so grown up. He just learned how to tie his shows all by himself. He has also lost another tooth, his front tooth! Now he is just a gap toothed adorable little man who is getting all grown up!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fishing at Chena Lakes

Here is the crew! We all went fishing at Chena Lakes. The kids had a lot of fun. Papa Rick and dad were good teachers and all of the kids got to catch and release fish. The largest was caught by Mia at a whopping 11".

Monday, August 17, 2009

First day of school

School starts today!!!!!! Oh, maybe I'm not supposed to sound so enthusiastic :) The kids were so excited to begin school today. We got them all set up and they were ready for us to leave. Here are some pictures of how adorable they look!

My son, the spy

Okay, I had to show this. Me and Lauren were having a girl-to-girl talk and Gabe decided to spy outside of our door. Instead of getting 'the scoop', he fell asleep. Rats, his plan is foiled again!


Carries little sister had twin babies and we got to visit them! They are so incredibly cute and I kept harboring thoughts of how I could sneak one out :) Here are some pictures of me and the girls enjoying our baby time!